Marijé patterns are available in A4, A0 and most recently in US letter format. To print the pattern from a standard printer, choose A4 format, or US letter if you live in the United States or Canada. Once the file is open with a PDF reader software, print the first page by checking "Custom scale": 100%. Printing only the first page verifies that the dimensions of the test square match. Otherwise, print again, after checking your printer settings. Marijé pattern sheets always contain letters and numbers (A1, B1, etc) and always have a black border. The first line corresponds to the letter A. You must then place the A1 sheet to the left of the A2 sheet, the A2 sheet between the A1 and A3 sheets, etc. For easier assembly it is recommended to cut the left border of each sheet and place it on the right side (along the black line) of the other sheet, as shown in the photo below:

From the letter B, it is recommended to cut the left side of the black frame but also the top of the black frame in order to easily place the sheets together:

Continue these steps for the other letters and numbers. Once the sheets are assembled, the pattern can be cut out. A video showing the assembly of the sheets of the Auckland pattern is available here.
For any questions do not hesitate to contact me at marijecontact@gmail.com